Wednesday, May 13, 2009

New Toy For Mommy

I know it's been awhile since I posted and I know some of you, dear Readers, have been asking for new posts. So here is a pictorial post with Eva as my ever-agreeable subject. I recently bought a big beautiful digital SLR Nikon that I am in love with. These photos were taken with it. Enjoy!

I just love the way the late afternoon sunlight was making her eye(s) shine.

Singin' and swingin' at Hovander Homestead Park.

At Hovander. We're watching the turkeys about 15 feet away. She kept being silly and calling them "white peacocks"!

Out for a walk with Mommy on the trail by our house. A new favorite special mommy/daughter past time.

Sometimes, she just gets closer, closer, closerclosercloser!

Whee! Airplane rides from Daddy!! (I'm laying on the floor, looking up).

There's something to her expression that came through here that is very mature. I see a glimpse of what she'll look like when she's 14 or so.


Darcy Walters said...

Kati, Eva, Jerry, I am so impressed with your beautiful girl! Great pictures, Kati, all of them. I do love the first and last especially. Love you guys!

sunshine glynn said...

Ooh, how exciting to get a new camera. You have the most beautiful subject!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I loves me an Eva Photo Essay!

amy and mighty max said...

she is soooooo adorable! and good photo taking my friend! new cameras are so much fun...enjoy!

Sandi said...

Since we live waaaay out in the county, the titles of your pictures came up before the photos loaded, so when I was reading the captions I was getting more and more excited to see Eva.... and finally I got to see the pictures "Awwwwww....". Kati and Jerry you have one of the most beautiful lil' girl.

Fingers crossed that you can sneak in more time to post photos and writing, because you've got a talent and it does my mental health good to read your blog.

Take care, email me if you want tomato plants I've got some extras I would love to pass along to your family.

Syl said...

Awesome rockin' Eva! I love the new cam pics... can't wait to see more!