Friday, December 12, 2008


First, a note: I know I haven't posted for awhile and it certainly isn't because there has been nothing to share. But now it's a month's worth of little things all smeared together. So back to today...

I picked Eva up a little early from school today so we could go to a dear friend's retirement party. Eva has been the Morale Booster/Therapeutic Hugger/Sweet Heart-Melting Charmer at my work since she first came when she was 3 weeks old. Everyone at my work has been incredibly loving and supportive of our family from, literally, the DAY she was born and our lives changed forever. Each coworker ("family friend" I should say because they are so much more than coworkers) has shown their love for and acceptance of us in their own way. It was wonderful today to see everyone together in one space, celebrating our dear Lynn and his new adventures as a retiree!

Back to school...we left the classroom and headed down the hallway. Eva was walking all by herself, carrying her backpack and a weep tried to escape from my throat. It was only last spring, when Eva started school, that she could walk only about halfway down the hall, holding my hand(s), before her legs would tire and I'd carry her the rest of the way. And that was a huge accomplishment. Today, I watched my little baby walk BY HERSELF the entire length of the hallway (it's about 100 feet, I guess?) No hands held; no falling; no brushing the wall for support. She was charging ahead on her own, taking a piece of my heart with her.

Another day, another reason for celebration. How lucky I am to get to celebrate so often.

1 comment:

sunshine glynn said...

I too think to last spring when Jayna had a hard time bearing weight! Some day, I hope to share a similar moment with her. Way to go Eva!